Season 2
Thought Sparks with Rita McGrath & Safi Bahcall
In the inflection point that is a public health crisis, an economic crisis, a crisis of social justice and an environmental crisis, few people have more smart things to say than Physicist, biotech entrepreneur, author...
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Thought Sparks with Rita McGrath & Judy Samuelson
Judy Samuelson is the founder and executive director of the Aspen Institute Business and Society Program, a high-impact initiative to uproot some of the more damaging beliefs that have led to income inequality, the...
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Thought Sparks with Rita McGrath & Gina O'Connor
Gina O’Connor was figuring out how to help companies innovate long before it was a hot topic. In her many books and articles, she’s shown how we can get beyond what I call innovation theater by building proficiency in...
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Thought Sparks with Rita McGrath & Tim Harford
Tim Harford, the well known "Undercover Economist" columnist for the Financial Times was awarded an OBE in 2019 for his contribution to our economic understanding. I could not be more thrilled that he'll be joining me...
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Thought Sparks with Rita McGrath & Rick Goings
I’ve been an unabashed fan of Rick Goings’ since we first met at a CEO Summit where one of the most memorable moments involved a real-time display of the creativity that goes into the Tupperware new product...
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Thought Sparks with Rita McGrath & Noah Wilson
Did you know that in 1945, there were 4.5 million beehives in the United States, but that today there are only about 2 million? In what promises to be a fascinating new topic for a Friday Fireside Chat, I’ll be...
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Thought Sparks with Rita McGrath & Martin Lindstrom
Procedures that defy logic. Requirements that no one can meet. Practices that are designed to frustrate and confuse. These are all crazy, says my Friday Fireside Chat guest Martin Lindstrom. Martin, who is a world...
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Thought Sparks with Rita McGrath & Jeff Abbott and Chris Yeh
Chris Yeh and his partner in the Global Scaling Academy and I get together to discuss Blitzscaling, what it means to be entrepreneurial, the company they have just started and predictions for whatever happens after...
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Thought Sparks with Rita McGrath & Glen de Vries
One of the most exciting frontiers in medicine is the use of huge amounts of patient data to help design personalized and highly effective individual treatments which never would have been possible before. My Friday...
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Thought Sparks with Rita McGrath & Dorie Clark
My good friend Dorie Clark is a master of personal and professional reinvention. After starting out as a journalist and political operative (what careers could have brighter prospects?) she has transformed her career...
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Thought Sparks with Rita McGrath & Chester Elton and Adrian Gostick
Some of the most magical things that happen at work aren't expensive, hard or risky. Simple human connections, treating each other with dignity and kindness and leveraging the power of appreciation are things anyone...
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Thought Sparks with Rita McGrath & Bjarte Bogsnes
One of the biggest barriers to growth and innovation is the overhang of the corporate budgeting process. Bjarte Bogsnes, Chairman of the Beyond Budgeting Institute and implementation head at Equinor, Scandinavia's...
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